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SM Caen
Football Association France Football Association
Website Football SM Caen
Views 1005
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Other football talents from SM Caen
Zoumana Bagbema  |  Yacine Bammou  |  Hervé Bazile  |  Stanley Boucaud  |  Nagui Bouras  |  Ibrahim Cissé  |  Mouhamadou Dabo  |  Jonathan Delaplace  |  Paul Denieul  |  Abdoulaye Diawara  |  Regis Etari  |  Noah Gomis  |  Hugo Hamel  |  Léo Hamel  |  Simon Hebditch  |  Evens Joseph  |  Joséph Kibeti Kobo Batekisa  |  Joël Kipopo Matondo  |  Godson Kyeremeh  |  Robin L'Excellent  |  Rosario Latouchent  |  Noé Lebreton  |  Joseph Yannick M'Bone  |  Yannick Gérard M'Vila Gasset  |  Paul Marie  |  Jeandy Mavinga  |  Alexandre Mendy  |  Dimitri Milon  |  Loic N'kédi Kimfouéma  |  Emmanuel Kwadwo N'tim  |  Abdoulayé Niakaté  |  Timo Nikolaievich Stavitskiy  |  Michaël Jordan Nkololo  |  Victor Nocente  |  Prince Oniangue  |  Damien Perquis  |  Estébane Picot  |  Lorenzo Rajot  |  Jan Repas  |  Paul Reulet  |  Corentin Rioult  |  Caleb Zady Séry  |  Pape Sané  |  Enzo Schioppa  |  Steve Shamal  |  Brahim Traoré  |  Léon Valentin  |  Hugo August Van der Mersch  |  Valentin Voisin  |  Lyvans Yeponde  |  Younn Zahary  |  Mickaël Zami  |  Erwin Zelazny

The following players are on loan SM Caen

The following players are sent on loan SM Caen
Hugo August Van der Mersch
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